Consider us part of your team at the Lake of the Ozarks taking care of your home while you are away. With a monthly home maintenance inspection, you will never have to worry about an annoying smoke detector beeping when you and your guests are trying to sleep, or not having enough hot water because your water heater hasn’t been flushed in ages, or a frozen AC because the coils haven’t been cleaned … even worse, water damage because the drain lines have clogged and overflowed the pan. For less than the cost of an average cable bill, you can be confident of knowing your home is safe while you are away, and ready for you to enjoy unhindered every time you arrive.


A Be Lake Ready Home Evaluation is similar to a real estate inspection when buying a home, but much more personal and detailed. Your home evaluation won’t be focused just on major mechanical systems or dealbreakers for a real estate transaction. It will focus on assessing your home’s maintenance issues so you can be aware of needs before they become big problems and cost even more money. Just like the monthly maintenance inspections, your home evaluation will also inform you of issues that may pop up on the near horizon so you can plan and budget accordingly. This home evaluation is ideal for new homeowners, first-time homeowners, DIYers needing guidance on what needs to be done and what to prioritize, older homeowners that need help with regular maintenance and need to plan ahead when it comes to a repair budget, and anyone who values expert advice on the condition of their home or needs a second opinion on quotes they have received for various repairs.


Have minor projects or upgrades you have been putting off because you don’t have time and can’t find a reputable tradesman willing to do smaller jobs? James has over 3 decades of knowledge in the building industry and is more than qualified to take care of most any small job you may have.


Wouldn’t it be so much easier if an expert could just come to your dock and take care of de-winterizing in the spring, making sure everything was good all summer, and winterizing in the fall – all without you having to think about it? If something is found to not be working correctly, Be Lake Ready can repair it (with upfront pricing) if it is minor, trailer it to your preferred mechanic if you have one, or get it to a trustworthy local shop to repair it if it is major. That way it will be back on your lift and ready to go when you arrive at the lake.


Tired of wasting money leaving your AC or water heater on at normal temperature while you are gone, or having to wait after you get here to be cool or have a hot shower? Be Lake Ready is here to adjust your thermostats to save electricity while you are away and adjust them back to normal temperatures before you arrive. Need your fridge stocked before you arrive? Want to have a catered dinner delivered to your door without having to do the research and make all the arrangements? We are here to help! Just let us know your needs.